Tuesday, August 29, 2017

You are the only one …

     Fighting against yourself is the best way to start your life.Never underestimate yourself .You are one who can do anything .without your permission you are not able to achieve any success. Motivate yourself time and again. Self motivation is the biggest strength you got. The more you motivate yourself the more your nearby you destination. Be ambitious in your dream, because you know no one going to come and finish your dream. You are the only one who could. Passion, Patience are big adjective in your life .The more you are aware of this word the more you gain in your life. Always make time for yourself .So, time management is great part of life. The more you aware of the time management the more you can conquer your ambition. So, better start from today.

People nearby are not for forever .We may meet a lot of friends in our life who comes and goes .The most important is where you are and what you have achieve or conquer in life till now and in coming future.

Physical fitness only does not matter in your life. First strong your mind. Mentally you have to be strong enough to be fighting with yourself and with the world too. Prepare for every harsh moment and delighted moment.Because you don’t know what comes next. Be optimistic and patience. Success will become anyhow. If failure is their then sure the success is. The more you aware of reality the better you are mentally and physically prepare.

Gift yourself when you have done something and support when you are in bad period.

You are the only one …

Sunday, January 01, 2017

New Year, New Beginning

Happy New Year 2017

Let’s put behind 2016 and embrace 2017, take along with you new inspiration and hope to set off on new beginnings and complete what you left unfinished in the past year. Spread cheer and joy with new inspiration value and thought. 

“You will never win if you never begin.”

A new beginning always excites you with a lot of new surprises. Whether it may be new job, new house, new chapter in our life more important is that brace yourself to except unexpected. Carry with you the lessons you had learned in 2016 and get started to explore the new opportunities in 2017.

“New-year, new chapter, new verse and a lot of surprises.”

Starting over the new life is the way you know that the future can be different and difficult. So, changing yourself from mistake is important. Change can come in any form it may be forcefully like tidy wind or slow flooding. It might be devastating, difficult choice, broken relationship or even new opportunities. But, even though change is difficult and harsh it’s best for you. Small changes in your life may dramatically change your life.

‘’You cannot change what you are; only what you do.’’

The great mistake you can make is to continually fear. Be brave and courageous to uplift your life from fear. Never, ever give up. Destiny is not matter of chance, it matter of a choice you make in your life. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.

‘’Accomplishing anything need great sacrifice.”

Work Hard, Play Hard
Good Luck!!!

Friday, December 23, 2016

”No person can walk out of their own story

It is interesting to realize that most people in the world really don’t know what they want from life or who they want to be and so they try to be something they are not or are forced to adapt how society have shaped them or how the people around them, such as family, friends, etc. Realize that you do have the power to create what it is what you want to create, but you must first begin to change from within before you can start changing the outside part. I do believe that when it happens it happens in instant but actually it depends on your reaction or actions towards the circumstances. It’s seems instant but process of event is before the happening of event. Sometimes it will be tough and hard and you may shake off but remember patience is virtue for the success and The Best part is always for the best. Life is great Roller coaster journey it will certainly make you strong and you will learn from it.

 “To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others” ~Buddha

The way you know you are changing is when you begin to realize that you are becoming more self aware of who you are what you want in your life and no longer are aware about the people around you. Now, I am not saying that you don’t care about others. What I mean is that you begin to concentrate on you first. Because one thing is for sure is that if you cannot take care of yourself, how can you take care of others? So, the faster you can know yourself the faster and easier it will be easy to understand others too. Because of which you can make proper balance between you and the world around you as well as the people that you chose be around with you.

Doesn’t matter what they call you, it’s the deeds that make you.

Once you understand and realize that you have conquered yourself, you begin to see that you can write your own story, what happens is that you give power to yourself, confidence and meaning to your life. Keep in mind that of course, some times it will not come easy and you don’t get to chose what will happen, but what you can chose is how you react to it. Once you choose how you can react to it you will become wiser and you become more aware of. Once you know you can change your world you can begin to have an effect on the people around you and you can begin to help them in needed. So make your choice and figure out what you want and make that happen because this is your life and you are your own. You cannot walk away from it. Once you understand yourself you will love your life because this life is for once don’t miss it.

Every day is a battle so make sure you wake up with a energy.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Be a Believer

In life, you may sometime face the same things again and again .Don’t lose your patience be calm and compose. You've to act as on merit and just hang in there. The life will keep moving and you able to learn from it.  Believe in something special because those who believe can only achieve it. I'm confident that the height of a person is measured by his intentions .I'm confident that only those who have never stepped on a path talk about luck. I'm confident that fatigue and pressure are both just a just part of distraction and misconception. I'm confident that the distance between losing and winning is big, but not impossible .If you're confident and true believer then the world will be yours.

I am true believer as I believe that whatever happens in our life there is reason. I believe in karma but not true believer in God but I know that there different karma for every individual as what we give we get same. Life is precious. So, be a Believer… work hard ….spread the love.

Happy Dashain 2073