Friday, December 23, 2016

”No person can walk out of their own story

It is interesting to realize that most people in the world really don’t know what they want from life or who they want to be and so they try to be something they are not or are forced to adapt how society have shaped them or how the people around them, such as family, friends, etc. Realize that you do have the power to create what it is what you want to create, but you must first begin to change from within before you can start changing the outside part. I do believe that when it happens it happens in instant but actually it depends on your reaction or actions towards the circumstances. It’s seems instant but process of event is before the happening of event. Sometimes it will be tough and hard and you may shake off but remember patience is virtue for the success and The Best part is always for the best. Life is great Roller coaster journey it will certainly make you strong and you will learn from it.

 “To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others” ~Buddha

The way you know you are changing is when you begin to realize that you are becoming more self aware of who you are what you want in your life and no longer are aware about the people around you. Now, I am not saying that you don’t care about others. What I mean is that you begin to concentrate on you first. Because one thing is for sure is that if you cannot take care of yourself, how can you take care of others? So, the faster you can know yourself the faster and easier it will be easy to understand others too. Because of which you can make proper balance between you and the world around you as well as the people that you chose be around with you.

Doesn’t matter what they call you, it’s the deeds that make you.

Once you understand and realize that you have conquered yourself, you begin to see that you can write your own story, what happens is that you give power to yourself, confidence and meaning to your life. Keep in mind that of course, some times it will not come easy and you don’t get to chose what will happen, but what you can chose is how you react to it. Once you choose how you can react to it you will become wiser and you become more aware of. Once you know you can change your world you can begin to have an effect on the people around you and you can begin to help them in needed. So make your choice and figure out what you want and make that happen because this is your life and you are your own. You cannot walk away from it. Once you understand yourself you will love your life because this life is for once don’t miss it.

Every day is a battle so make sure you wake up with a energy.


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